Ensuring Quality and Reliability for Marketplace API

Our QA team recently completed a project for a long-term client, focusing on their Marketplace API.

Their environment involved a set of software interfaces designed to optimize the work of customers in specific niches. Clients use a flexible and customized system of interfaces to collect data on their site which includes meta information and open data like, for example, the availability of transport tickets. This data can be automated through the right set of APIs, allowing real-time updates on the client side.

Previously, we tested individual elements of the client’s solutions. Now, it was time to ensure the entire API system worked seamlessly. 


  • Complex API structure. The API system was extensive, with numerous endpoints and dynamic data, requiring comprehensive understanding and efficient testing within a tight timeframe.
  • Real-time data updates. Ensuring that real-time data updates were accurately reflected on the client side was a significant challenge.
  • Billing and user flow. Verifying the functionality of billing plans, including activation, special conditions, payments, deactivation, and overdue payments, added another layer of complexity.
  • New features to test. Just before the release, the client was finalizing new features and pop-ups for premium accounts, necessitating thorough UX/UI testing.


We assembled a dedicated team for the job: 5 professionals, including 4 manual QA and a part-time Team Lead, all with a deep understanding of API testing and dynamic data environments.

Our collaboration with the development team was crucial. More than just running tests, we actively reviewed requirements, scrutinized test cases, and identified defects.

Our comprehensive testing strategy included:

  • Functional testing. We verified that all data was displayed correctly across the client’s sites. We manipulated the database to simulate dynamic data changes and checked real-time updates.
  • API testing. We conducted specific API testing, checking the availability and functionality of each endpoint.
  • Billing and user flow testing. We tested billing plans and various user scenarios using test accounts.
  • UI/UX testing. We focused on the new features and pop-ups for premium accounts, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience.


With a solid team and a clear strategy, we managed to cover over 500 test cases. We used tools like Postman for API testing, which helped us identify several serious bugs.


  • Postman
  • Chrome Dev Tools


The final stretch of software releases is often the most critical. Our role as a final check — a form of acceptance testing — added an extra layer of assurance before the premium product features went live.

Our high-impact, outcome-focused testing cycles resulted in:

- Validated functionality of all API endpoints and dynamic data updates.
- Verified the correct operation of billing plans and user scenarios.
- Tested and ensured the smooth functioning of new features and premium account pop-ups.
- Over 500 test cases processes, identifying and reporting critical bugs.

We Work With

Having one outside team deal with every aspect of quality assurance on your software project saves you time and money on creating an in-house QA department. We have dedicated testing engineers with years of experience, and here is what they can help you with.

Software is everywhere around us, and it’s essential for your testing team to be familiar with all the various types and platforms software can come with. In 21+ years, our QA team has tested every type of software there is, and here are some of their specialties.

There are dozens of different types of testing, but it takes a team of experts to know which ones are relevant to your software project and how to include them in the testing strategy the right way. These are just some of the testing types our QA engineers excel in.

The success of a software project depends, among other things, on whether it’s the right fit for the industry it’s in. And that is true not just for the development stage, but also for QA. Different industry have different software requirements, and our team knows all about them.

Icon Manual Testing

Maximum precision and attention to detail for a spotless result.

Icon Testing Automation

We’ll automate thousands of tests for all-encompassing coverage.

Icon Testing Outsourcing

Outsource your testing needs to a team of experts with relevant skills.

Icon Testing Consulting

Overhaul your QA processes to achieve even more testing efficiency.

Icon QA

Thorough Quality Assurance for a project of any scale or complexity.

Icon API Testing

Verify the correct operation of as many APIs as your project needs.

Icon IoT Testing

Stay ahead of the growing Internet of Things market with timely testing.

Icon Web Testing

Reach out to even more customers with a high-quality web application.

Icon Mobile App Testing

Help users fall in love with your mobile app with our texting expertise.


Make sure your CRM/ERP system meets the needs of the stakeholders.

Icon Desktop Application Testing

We’ll check the stability, compatibility, and more of your desktop solution.

Icon Functional Testing

Is your app doing everything it’s supposed to? We’ll help you find out!

Icon Compatibility

Check how your solution works on different devices, platforms, and more.

Icon Usability

Find out if your software solution provides an engaging user experience.

Icon UI

Make sure your application’s UI logic works for all categories of users.

Icon Regression

We’ll verify the integrity of your application after recent code changes.

Icon Online Streaming & Entertainment

Stay on top of the media industry with a technically flawless solution.

Icon eCommerce & Retail

Does your store meet customer needs? We’ll help you know for sure!

Icon HR & Recruiting

Streamline HR processes with a solution that works like a clock

Icon Healthcare

Test the functionality, stability, scalability of your app and more.

Icon Fintech & Banking

Give your users what they want: a powerful, secure fintech product.


    Realizing the importance of providing service on agreed terms, we consider all possible risks and provide efficient solutions for all possible risks and provide efficient solutions.


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